Of course, "done" is a relative term. Really, what I’ve finished is a draft. Now I’ve got to polish it and get a few good writer friends to read it over. Then I’ve got to do some rewrite, and write a blurb so irresistible that every agent and editor on my list will be clamoring to take a peek. In the process it will get edited multiple more times—before it ever sees the light of day.
Still, I’m feeling pretty excited about my new baby. It’s called The Last Fifteen and it’s the third of a series I’m working on, a series I’ve called “Wild Snow”, at least in my own head. All three books are contemporary romances set in the world of skiing and ski professionals. The idea began with Dancing in the White Room, featuring patrolwoman Mallory Prescott and the love of her life, extreme skier PD Bell. The book was published by Turquoise Morning Press a few years ago. The Fall Line features champion ski racer Mia Whitmeyer and her love, ski coach Creech Crèches. Creech’s brother, Adam, is the hero in The Last Fifteen. He’s an avalanche patroller who gets buried when a control avalanche goes wrong. The story’s heroine, Gabi Rossetti rushes to his rescue and headlong into a love affair.
Sadly TMP, like so many small presses, had to close its doors last fall. This means Dancing is currently back in files and unavailable to readers. I had already finished The Fall Line when this happened, and begun work on the third book. I could have abandoned the project, I guess, but I’m far too stubborn to give in. So, now I have three books and whole lot of hope that I’ll be able to find a good place for them.
That is a project for another day. Right now, I’m kicking back with a little wine and toasting The Last Fifteen before I roll up my sleeves and get back to it.