Shared Whispers is a collection of short stories created by an eclectic group of fifteen award-winning writers from across the globe who create novels in such diverse genres as romance, suspense, mystery, thrillers, paranormal, fantasy, and science fiction. What’s the common theme to the anthology you’re about to read? Each story reflects the allure and importance of love in our lives.
Why the title, Shared Whispers? Every writer has a unique voice in which they reflect the fictional world carried in their mind’s eye. It can be the flow of their words or the rhythm or pulse to their scenes. The elegance of some voices pull you into the story, envelop you with their characters and offer momentary release from the drudgery and the complexity of modern life. In essence, these stories reveal the thoughts, the murmurs, the whispers shared with the Muse, our individual guide that holds our hand from the first to the last word. At the end of each creation, each author offers the Story Behind the Story, the seed from which the idea evolved. You’ll also find a brief bio of their writing career and other titles that might be of interest.
Why the title, Shared Whispers? Every writer has a unique voice in which they reflect the fictional world carried in their mind’s eye. It can be the flow of their words or the rhythm or pulse to their scenes. The elegance of some voices pull you into the story, envelop you with their characters and offer momentary release from the drudgery and the complexity of modern life. In essence, these stories reveal the thoughts, the murmurs, the whispers shared with the Muse, our individual guide that holds our hand from the first to the last word. At the end of each creation, each author offers the Story Behind the Story, the seed from which the idea evolved. You’ll also find a brief bio of their writing career and other titles that might be of interest.