As we approached route 1A, the road that curves along New Hampshire’s short sixteen miles of ocean front, things got a bit hazy. By the time we’d turned onto the road, we were socked in a thick fog. The drive along this road is usually beautiful, the ocean to one side, stately beachside mansions on the other, the beach hamlets with their ice cream stands and surf shops and lobster restaurants. Last Sunday, you could see none of those things. You could barely see the car ahead of you.
The fog nearly made us turn around and go back home. But it was the last weekend day of summer, we’d driven an hour. We live in New Hampshire, where live free or die is the state motto. So we journeyed on, carefully and slowly, to the beach.
We discovered that going to the beach on a foggy warm day has a lot to recommend it. It was cooler than it might have been, the breeze off the ocean keeping the temperatures comfortable. And it was beautiful, in a haunting end-of-summer kind of way. I took a lot of pictures and I’m sharing some of them with you as I wish you all good beach days and a happy end to summer.