Here's what Jenn has to say about the challenge of balancing writing and motherhood.
Writer Mom – A Juggling Act
Last night I talked through some upcoming scene ideas while I bathed the dog. Taking the time to brainstorm through the lather, rinse and repeat. Our dog, Luna, was a good listener, but she sure didn’t have much to add to the conversation.
Oh, I have the best of intentions. I get up at 5:30am, after all. But when my little guy surprises me by presenting himself at my desk before I’ve even taken a sip of my first cup of coffee, and then proceeds to fire off 50 thousand questions about theology, the cosmos and anything else he can think of… well, my morning writing time is officially shot.
Don’t get me wrong. I know how incredibly lucky I am to be able to stay home with my kids, to catch all the milestones and answer every question the little guy can come up with. I love being able to drive my daughter and her friends around. I bring my notebook. I bring my laptop. And I roll with it.
I’ve written at gymnastics, soccer and at trampoline birthday parties. I’ve written in this minivan more times than I can count. (Hey, does that mean I can deduct gas and mileage on my taxes?) I’ve written at the beach and the movie theater. I can tell you which playgrounds in the area have the most comfortable seating for writing (and which have the cleanest bathrooms).
And I can mentally switch gears like nobody’s business, going from inside the head of a heroine in emotional turmoil to whip out my phone and snap a picture of the dog and the kids – all dressed as superheroes. (I’m telling you, we have THE most patient dog in the world.)
When I’m under deadline, dinner is probably going to be pizza delivery or cold cereal. Then again, if I’ve had a really productive writing day, I’m just as likely to recruit my little helpers to make a sweet treat in the kitchen to celebrate. Around here, you never know what kind of day it’s going to be.
No two days are alike, but every day is crazy. That’s my writer mom world. It’s fun. It’s hectic. Sometimes I’ll need a glass of wine to relax after the kids go to bed and sometimes I’ll need a cup of coffee to get those last few words on the page before I go to sleep. My life is a juggling act and I wouldn’t trade it for the world.
Writer peeps… where is the strangest location you’ve ever stopped to write?
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